Tag: Toni Morrison

I will be blogging this week about my new novel In the Land of the Living, just released by Little Brown. Here is an excerpt of the second blog, which appears on the website of the Jewish Book Council:
Some academics have observed that young Jewish writers do not mine their personal lives for material in … Read More

Granted it’s generally unwise to believe the hype, but everyone should make an exception to that rule for Toni Morrison, who is a master of prose fiction. Beloved is a remarkable contribution to world literature for many reasons: metaphor and a sense of human character on the level of Faulkner; total mastery of historical setting; … Read More

My blog this month (this quarter?) appears on the website of the literary magazine A Public Space. It’s a defense of historical fiction.
Please follow this link to read it.
I Wonder What Henry James Would Say to Toni Morrison